In the early 1980s
In the early 1980s, John Stein was increasingly frustrated. Instead of being able to concentrate on his patients' visual problems, he found himself calculator-in-hand, poring over price lists and Bills Bible, working out appliance prices (with GST) and professional service fees (without). Medical aid quirks compounded the problems. Not only was this time-consuming, but with patients hovering impatiently nearby, it was easy to make mistakes.
These frustrations lead John to team up with Henry Epstein, then MD of MicroData Services. Together, they spent the next year developing specialised software for optometrists. Their goals were that it be locally produced and supported, operate on standard computers, and be affordable to all optometrists—even those in smaller practices. Those goals continue to guide OptiMax almost three decades later.
OptiMax is born
The first OptiMax software is released to run on twin-floppy drive Radio Shack TRS-80 computers. Sales start slowly.
OptiMax takes off
OptiMax is officially launched at the South African Optometric Association's International Congress in Cape Town. The response is overwhelming—within a few months many optometrists and optical dispensers recognise the benefits of OptiMax daily.
OptiMax teams up
OptiMax is purchased by Managed Healthcare Systems. A long-awaited migration from DOS to Windows is successfully initiated.
OptiMax goes independent
OptiMax spreads its wings and becomes wholly independent.
- 37 years in the making
- 6 countries served
- Market leader
- So much more to come